Community News

New Community Center Survey

Submitted by Walthill on

The Village has been working on a Planning Grant with Lowell Schroeder from NENEDD and 5 Rule Rural Planning for a new community center.

A planning grant is required for this type of project as it will show the State there's a need for a new community facility in Walthill.

The proposed plans for the new community center are available at the Walthill Village Office or can be viewed on the Village's Facebook page:  Facebook

Public Hearing for Six Year Road and Street Plan - 10/05/22

Submitted by Walthill on


Notice is hereby given that a Six Year Road and Street Plan for the Village of Walthill, Nebraska as required by NEB. REV. STAT. Sec. 39-2119 et seq. R.R.S. has been recommended for approval by the Chairman and Village Board of Trustees, and that a Public Hearing be held on said Six Year Road and Street Plan on the 5th day of October, 2022, beginning at 5:00 P.M., at the Village Office at which time objection to or recommendations for said Plan will be heard.

Lisa Beaudette, Clerk/Treasurer

The Village of Walthill is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Equal Opportunity Employer.