Economic Development

Economic Development

Kevin Connot

(402) 518-0824


In the Walthill Village Office on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


One goal of the Village is to increase the town’s economic and social well-being. To help make this happen, an economic developer has been contracted to help with the Village’s development purposes.

Business Incubator Grant
USDA Rural Development awarded the Village a Business Incubator Grant in 2018 for the amount of $351,516.00 to construct a building to house four separate small businesses. The building will be a business incubator that will provide office and retail space for business startups by local entrepreneurs. The 3,000-square-foot building will be located on Main Street in the Walthill commercial district and will be constructed in 2019.

Downtown Revitalization Plan
The Village started a Downtown Revitalization Plan in 2015, aimed to restore Walthill’s downtown area. Part of the Downtown Revitalization Plan is the Downtown Master Plan.

To read more, go to

Downtown Master Plan

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