Notice of Public Hearing: Board of Trustees 05/05/21 (POST-PONED)

Submitted by kayce on

This public hearing has been post-poned to a date in June.  A definitive date has not yet been determined.

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Walthill, Nebraska, will hold a public hearing at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 224 Main Street, Walthill, Nebraska, for consideration of the approval of a special use permit for a church complex with two businesses and parking lot on the following described real property contained within the C-1 Commercial District zone:  Lot 8 and the W 1/2 of Lot 7;  Lots 9-11, inclusive;  Lot 12, less the south 36' thereof;  and lots 16 and 17, all in Block 18, Original, Village of Walthill, Thurston County, Nebraska.

At said time and place all interested parties and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard.

Publish:   April 15, 2021                          Lisa Beaudette, Village Clerk

The Village of Walthill is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Equal Opportunity Employer.