March 8, 2023
The regular meeting of the Chair and the Village Board of Trustees of Walthill, Nebraska was held at the Village Office in said village at 5:00 p.m., March 8, 2023.
Present: Board Chair Michael Grant, Trustees Curtis Boschult and Waylon Oldman with Trustee Gwen Porter arriving at 5:15 p.m. Trustee Aaron Brown was absent from the meeting. Also present: Lisa Beaudette, Clerk/Treasurer, KayCe Henneman, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, and Fred Appleton, Maintenance Supervisor.
Visitors: Joe Miller.
Notice of meeting was given in advance thereof by posting in three (3) public places, a designated method for giving notice, as shown by the certificate of posting notice on file at the Village Office. Notice of the meeting was simultaneously given to the Chair and Trustees and a copy of their acknowledgment of receipt of notice and agenda are on file at the Village Office. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the public notice. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Chair Grant called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. and made the public aware of the availability of the open meeting laws.
Trustee Oldman made a motion, seconded by Boschult to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2023 board meeting. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Trustee Oldman made a motion, seconded by Boschult to donate $300.00 to the Wi’He Girls Basketball Team for lodging expenses. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Joe Miller, Indian Health Service (IHS), discussed the aerator replacement and gate and hydrant replacement water projects.
Trustee Oldman made a motion, seconded by Boschult to approve IHS to put out to bid the design for the aerator replacement project. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Trustee Boschult made a motion, seconded by Oldman to approve IHS to design the gate and hydrant replacement project in house. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Trustee Oldman made a motion, seconded by Boschult to authorize the Board Chair to execute the Northeast Nebraska Mutual Aid Agreement submitted by the Walthill Volunteer Fire Department. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Trustee Oldman made a motion, seconded by Boschult to approve the 2023 Walthill Volunteer Fire Department Member Roster. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Community Development Report was submitted for the Board’s review.
Trustee Boschult made a motion, seconded by Oldman to award the RBDG II Business Incubator Signage Proposal to Avery Brothers Sign Co. for $21,808.00. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
Trustee Boschult made a motion, seconded by Oldman to approve a 20% advance in the amount of $30,000.00 to Vetick Construction for the Sherwood Housing Rehab Project. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. Motion carried.
No Maintenance Department Report was given as Village Maintenance was not present.
Trustee Boschult introduced Ordinance #2023-3 entitled:
and moved the statutory rule requiring reading on three days be suspended. Trustee Oldman seconded the motion to suspend the rules and on a roll call vote, the following trustees voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by a majority of all members of the board that were present and the rule was declared suspended for consideration of said ordinance.
Said ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Trustee Boschult moved for final passage of the ordinance, which motion was seconded by Trustee Oldman. The Chairperson then stated the question “Shall Ordinance #2023-3 be passed and adopted?” Upon roll call vote, the following trustees voted aye: Grant, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Porter and Brown.
The passage and adoption of said ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Board of Trustees, the Chairperson declared the ordinance adopted and the Chairperson in the presence of the Board of Trustees signed and approved the ordinance and the Clerk attested the passage and approval of the same and affixed her signature thereto. A true, correct and complete copy of said ordinance is as follows:
Ordinance #2023-3
BE IT ORDAINED by the Village Board of Trustees of Walthill, Nebraska:
SECTION 1: The Village of Walthill, Nebraska hereby approves a $1.00 per hour increase in wage for Paul Wingett as a Senior Maintenance Employee.
SECTION 2: This ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3: This ordinance repeals any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict thereof; and shall be in full force after its passage and publication as required by law.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of March 2023.
______________________________ ATTEST: ______________________________
Michael Grant Lisa Beaudette
Board Chair Clerk/Treasurer
KayCe Henneman, Property Manager, gave an update on the Village’s rental properties.
A discussion was held regarding a business proposal submitted by Marisa Fuller during which time, Trustee Porter arrived at 5:15 p.m. The proposal was tabled until the next regular board meeting.
Fred Appleton, Maintenance Supervisor, arrived and gave the Maintenance Department Report.
The Treasurer’s report for January 2023 was submitted for the Board’s consideration. Since there were no objections, the report was filed.
The bills were audited and a motion was made by Boschult, seconded by Oldman, to approve payment. Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Porter, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Brown. Motion carried.
There was no monthly Community Service Officer report.
As there was no further business, a motion was made by Boschult, seconded by Oldman to adjourn.
Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye: Grant, Porter, Boschult and Oldman. Nay: None. Absent: Brown. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m. March 8, 2023.
______________________________ ATTEST: ______________________________
Michael Grant Lisa Beaudette
Board Chair Clerk/Treasurer
MARCH 8, 2023 @ 5:00 P.M.
Open Meeting Laws
1. Minutes of the February 1, 2023 Meeting
a. Approve Minutes
2. Visitors
a. Wi'He Basketball Team Request for Donation
3. Indian Health Service
a. Water Projects
i. Aerator Replacement and Gate and Hydrant Replacement
4. Walthill Volunteer Fire Department
a. Execute Northeast Nebraska Mutual Aid Agreement
b. Approve 2023 Member Roster
5. Community Development
a. Report
b. RBDG II Business Incubator Signage Proposal Award
c. Sherwood Housing Rehab Project - Approve an Advance
6. Maintenance Department
a. Report
b. Ordinance #2023-3 - Senior Maintenance Wage Increase for Paul Wingett
7. Property Management Report
a. Property Update
b. Marisa Fuller - Business Incubator Business Proposal
8. Treasurer's Report
a. January 2023
9. Bills - Audit and Approval for Payment
10. Police Department
a. Community Service Officer Report
- ACCO - Chlorine................................................................................................$ 843.13
- Advantage Consulting Group - Contract Svcs...................................................$ 3,000.00
- Nancy Anderson - Insurance Premium Reimbursement....................................$ 450.31
- Appeara - Uniform/Linen....................................................................................$ 220.44
- AT&T - Phone.....................................................................................................$ 75.70
- Black Hills Energy - Gas Service........................................................................$ 723.39
- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NE - Premium........................................................$ 6,593.20
- CWB - Petty Cash...............................................................................................$ 345.75
- CWB - Payroll Deduction....................................................................................$ 400.00
- CWB - Fire Bond Transfer to Savings................................................................$ 248.00
- CNA Surety - INS Bond......................................................................................$ 100.00
- Cooney Fertilizer - Rock/Transportation.............................................................$ 3,977.59
- Dutton Lainson - Supplies...................................................................................$ 1,305.86
- Fastwyre Broadband - Phone/Internet................................................................$ 729.71
- H2O4U - Softener Salt........................................................................................$ 70.00
- Johnson & Mock - Services.................................................................................$ 1,968.00
- Little Man's Auto - Tires.......................................................................................$ 750.52
- Stephanie Lyons - 8 Plex Repairs.......................................................................$ 725.00
- Menards - Repairs...............................................................................................$ 20.99
- Mutual of Omaha - Ins Premium..........................................................................$ 167.78
- NE Dept of Revenue - NE WH............................................................................$ 1,042.21
- NE Dept of Revenue - Sales Tax.........................................................................$ 1,184.85
- NPPD - Power Fees/Report................................................................................$ 669.20
- Omaha Tribal Credit & Loan Program - Payroll Deduction..................................$ 112.00
- One Call Concepts, Inc........................................................................................$ 30.00
- ONE Office Solutions - Supplies..........................................................................$ 66.75
- Pender Times - Publications................................................................................$ 462.96
- Railroad Management Co....................................................................................$ 344.75
- RuVan King - Garbage Hauling............................................................................$ 5,257.00
- Sewer Bond Savings - Transfer............................................................................$ 2,085.00
- Thurston County Communications - Use of Teletype...........................................$ 100.00
- US Dept of Energy - Power Fees.........................................................................$ 1,681.67
- Vetick Construction - RBDG II..............................................................................$ 5,500.00
- Walthill Service & Supply - Repairs......................................................................$ 1,109.78
TOTAL: $42,361.46
Additional FEBRUARY 2023 BILLS
- Payroll...................................................................................................................$ 18,983.68
- - Supplies........................................................................................$ 566.21
- Appeara - Uniform/Linen.......................................................................................$ 291.61
- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NE - Insurance.........................................................$ 105.52
- Bomgaars - Supplies.............................................................................................$ 37.40
- Burt County Public Power - Power Fees...............................................................$ 2,526.72
- C & J Auto - Repairs..............................................................................................$ 23.00
- Deluxe - Supplies..................................................................................................$ 58.83
- Dutton Lainson - Supplies.....................................................................................$ 2,047.32
- H2O4U - Softener..................................................................................................$ 91.60
- Holiday Inn-Hastings - Sewer Cert........................................................................$ 288.02
- Johnson & Mock - Services..................................................................................$ 1,763.50
- Maple 85 Premium Landscape - Salt & Gravel....................................................$ 2,013.00
- Menards - Supplies/Repairs.................................................................................$ 286.86
- NPPD - Power Fees.............................................................................................$ 577.20
- NPPD - Reports....................................................................................................$ 92.00
- NeRWA - Conference...........................................................................................$ 790.00
- Northeast Power - Power/Loan............................................................................$ 20,358.40
- Omaha Nation Supermarket - Fuel/Supplies.......................................................$ 1,150.10
- One Call Concepts - Services..............................................................................$ 30.00
- Ozark National Life - Retirement..........................................................................$ 653.00
- Pender Ace Hardware - Supplies/Repairs............................................................$ 210.87
- PestBusters - Pest Control...................................................................................$ 265.00
- Tenant Data - Background Checks.......................................................................$ 85.35
- U.S. Cellular - Cell Svc/Hot Spot/Equip................................................................$ 195.73
- US Dept of Energy - Power..................................................................................$ 1,800.96
- Utilities Section - Conference...............................................................................$ 230.00
- Walthill Service & Supply - Repairs......................................................................$ 1,282.44
- Paul Wingett - Mileage.........................................................................................$ 268.55
TOTAL: $57,072.87
GRAND TOTAL: $99,434.33