January 11, 2023

Submitted by Walthill on


January 11, 2023

The regular meeting of the Chair and the Village Board of Trustees of Walthill, Nebraska was held at the Village Office in said village at 5:00 p.m., January 11, 2023.

Present:  Board Chair Michael Grant, Trustees Gwen Porter, Waylon Oldman and Curtis Boschult. Trustee Aaron Brown was absent from the meeting.  Also present:  Lisa Beaudette, Clerk/Treasurer, Fred Appleton, Maintenance Supervisor, Roger Anderson, Maintenance, Paul Wingett, Maintenance, and Jesse Boschult, Maintenance.  Kevin Connot, Planner/Developer and Matt Munderloh, Village Attorney, attended via zoom.

Visitors:  Matthew Smith and Suzanne Brodine.

Notice of meeting was given in advance thereof by posting in three (3) public places, a designated method for giving notice, as shown by the certificate of posting notice on file at the Village Office.  Notice of the meeting was simultaneously given to the Chair and Trustees and a copy of their acknowledgment of receipt of notice and agenda are on file at the Village Office.  Availability of the agenda was communicated in the public notice.  All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.

Chair Grant called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and made the public aware of the availability of the open meeting laws.

Trustee Porter made a motion, seconded by Boschult to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2022 board meeting.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Grant, Oldman, Porter and Boschult.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

Kevin Connot, Planner/Developer, gave a community development update.

Trustee Porter made a motion, seconded by Boschult to allow the selection committee of Kevin Connot, Matthew Munderloh and Curtis Boschult to evaluate the engineer firm’s qualifications for the Water System RFQ and make a recommendation to the board for approval at the February board meeting.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Oldman, Grant, Porter and Boschult.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

The business incubator Laundromat and Signage RFP was discussed and a motion was made by Porter, seconded by Boschult to authorize the selection committee select the qualified bidders for each RFP.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Grant, Porter, Oldman and Boschult.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

The Main Street lighting project was discussed.  Trustees Grant and Boschult will head up that project.

A Maintenance Department report was given by Fred Appleton, Maintenance Supervisor, during which time a motion was made by Boschult, seconded by Oldman to approve street sweeper repairs up to $10,000.00.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Grant, Boschult, Porter and Oldman.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

Trustee Porter introduced Ordinance #2023-1 entitled:


and moved the statutory rule requiring reading on three days be suspended.  Trustee Oldman seconded the motion to suspend the rules and on a roll call vote, the following trustees voted aye:  Grant, Porter, Boschult, and Oldman.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by a majority of all members of the board that were present and the rule was declared suspended for consideration of said ordinance.

Said ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Trustee Porter moved for final passage of the ordinance, which motion was seconded by Trustee Oldman.  The Chairperson then stated the question “Shall Ordinance #2023-1 be passed and adopted?” Upon roll call vote, the following trustees voted aye:  Grant, Porter, Boschult, and Oldman.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.

The passage and adoption of said ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Board of Trustees, the Chairperson declared the ordinance adopted and the Chairperson in the presence of the Board of Trustees signed and approved the ordinance and the Clerk attested the passage and approval of the same and affixed her signature thereto.  A true, correct and complete copy of said ordinance is as follows:

Ordinance #2023-1


    BE IT ORDAINED by the Village Board of Trustees of Walthill, Nebraska:

    SECTION 1: The Village of Walthill, Nebraska hereby approves a $1.00 per hour increase in wage for Jesse Boschult for successfully obtaining the Grade 4 Water Operator Certification

    SECTION 2: This ordinance shall become effective immediately.

    SECTION 3: This ordinance repeals any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict thereof; and shall be in full force after its passage and publication as required by law.

    PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of January 2023.

​​​______________________________    ATTEST: ______________________________

Michael Grant                                                         Lisa Beaudette

Board Chair                                                            Clerk/Treasurer

KayCe Henneman, Property Manager, submitted via email, an update on the Village’s rental properties.

The Treasurer’s report for November 2022 was submitted for the Board’s consideration.  Since there were no objections, the report was filed.

Office computer system bids were reviewed by the Board.  A motion was made by Porter, seconded by Boschult to approve the proposal from CSI, LLC in the amount of $20,195.19.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Porter, Grant, Boschult and Oldman.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

The bills were audited and a motion was made by Boschult, seconded by Porter, to approve payment.  Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Grant, Porter, Oldman and Boschult.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

James Randol Sr, Community Service Officer, submitted a written monthly department report.

Discussion was held regarding an increase in wages for Paul Wingett– no board action was taken.

As there was no further business, a motion was made by Boschult, seconded by Porter to adjourn. 

Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:  Grant, Oldman, Porter and Boschult.  Nay:  None.  Absent:  Brown.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m. January 11, 2023.

​​______________________________    ATTEST: ______________________________

Michael Grant                                                         Lisa Beaudette

Board Chair                                                             Clerk/Treasurer



JANUARY 11, 2023 @ 5:00 P.M.

Open Meeting Laws

1.  Minutes of the December 7, 2022 Meeting

     a.  Approve Minutes

2.  Community Development

     a.  Report

     b.  Water System Preliminary Engineering Assessment RFQ Selection

     c.  Business Incubator RFQ for Laundromat and Signage

          i.   Authorize RFQ

          ii.   Authorize Selection Committee Approval

2.  Maintenance Department

     a.  Report

     b.  Ordinance #2023-1 Wage Increase for Jesse Boschult Water Operator Certification

4.  Property Management Report

     a.  Property Update

5.  Treasurer's Report

     a.  November 2022 and December 2022

     b.  Office Computer System Bid Selection

6.  Bills - Audit and Approval for Payment

7.  Police Department

     a.  Community Service Officer Report



  • ACCO - Chlorine.........................................................................................................$858.13
  • Advantage Consulting Group - Contract Svcs..........................................................$3,000.00
  • Amazon.com - Supplies..............................................................................................$158.92
  • Nancy Anderson - Insurance Premium Reimbursement.............................................$450.31
  • Appeara - Uniform/Linen.............................................................................................$194.56
  • AT&T - Phone................................................................................................................$76.83
  • Black Hills Energy - Gas Service..............................................................................$1,014.52
  • Blue Cross & Blue Shield of NE - Premium..............................................................$3,402.12
  • Bomgaars - Supplies...................................................................................................$272.26
  • CWB - Petty Cash.......................................................................................................$357.50
  • CWB - Payroll Deduction.............................................................................................$400.00
  • CWB - Fire Bond Transfer to Savings.........................................................................$248.00
  • Comfort Suites - Water Class......................................................................................$375.84
  • Cooney Fertilizer - Transportation............................................................................$1,180.00
  • Deluxe - Supplies........................................................................................................$504.99
  • Display Sales -Supplies...............................................................................................$129.00
  • Eakes Office Solutions - Supplies...............................................................................$151.36
  • English & Smart Architects - RBDG II Business Incubator.......................................$6,500.00
  • Fastwyre Broadband - Phone/Internet........................................................................$728.29
  • Fauss Construction - Repairs...................................................................................$1,563.61
  • GPM Environmental Solutions, LLC - Lift Station Equipment..................................$2,120.40
  • Ichiban Japanese Steak House - Staff Recongition....................................................$760.00
  • Johnson & Mock - Services......................................................................................$1,794.00
  • Midwest Lab - Supplies.................................................................................................$27.34
  • Thristina Morris - Meter Refund....................................................................................$12.88
  • Mutual of Omaha - Ins Premium.................................................................................$167.78
  • NE Dept of Revenue - NE WH.................................................................................$1,148.46
  • NE Dept of Revenue - Sales Tax.............................................................................$1,321.64
  • Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center - Background Investigation...................$175.00
  • NMPP Energy - Computer Software Maintenance Plan...........................................$5,128.00
  • NPPD - Power Fees/Report........................................................................................$676.48
  • Omaha Nation Supermkt - Fuel/Supplies...................................................................$584.44
  • Omaha Tribal Credit & Loan Program - Payroll Deduction..........................................$112.00
  • Julian Ortega - Meter Refund........................................................................................$25.48
  • Pender Times - Publications........................................................................................$840.20
  • RuVan King - Garbage Hauling................................................................................$5,395.00
  • Scheels - Supplies.........................................................................................................$43.84
  • Schmader Electric - New Service................................................................................$952.00
  • Sewer Bond Savings - Transfer................................................................................$2,085.00
  • Shall, Hull & Navarrette - 21/22 Audit.......................................................................$5,230.00
  • Stan Houston - Supplies................................................................................................$80.25
  • Thurston County Communications - Use of Teletype..................................................$100.00
  • US Dept of Energy - Power Fees.............................................................................$1,532.36
  • Vetick Construction - 8 Plex Water Damage Repairs.............................................$12,546.61
  • Walthill Service & Supply - Repairs...............................................................................$35.04

TOTAL:  $64,460.44

Additional DECEMBER 2022 BILLS

  • Payroll....................................................................................................................$24,240.09
  • Jesse Boschult - Water Class.....................................................................................$352.25
  • Burt County Public Power - Power Fees..................................................................$2,560.32
  • Country Computers - Supplies....................................................................................$180.00
  • HyVee - Community Holiday Event...............................................................................$78.24
  • JEO Consulting - Street Superintendent Services...................................................$1,000.00
  • Mutual of Omaha - Ins Premium.................................................................................$724.55
  • NDEE Operator Cert Program - Certification Class......................................................$80.00
  • NE Dept of Revenue - Sales Tax (Republish).............................................................$982.55
  • NE Health Lab - Water Test...........................................................................................$15.00
  • Northeast Power - Power/Loan..............................................................................$21,201.64
  • ONE Office Solutions - Supplies...................................................................................$75.38
  • Ozark National Life - Retirement.................................................................................$773.00
  • Pender Ace Hardware - Maintenance...........................................................................$87.83
  • Pest Busters - Pest Control.........................................................................................$265.00
  • Schlickbernd's - Repairs..............................................................................................$184.18
  • Shaw, Hull & Navarrette, CPA's - 21-22 Audit..........................................................$5,240.85
  • U.S. Cellular - Cell Svc/Hot Spot/Equip.......................................................................$200.37
  • West Point Implement - Repairs..................................................................................$522.25

TOTAL:  $58,675.67

GRAND TOTAL:  $123,136.11


The Village of Walthill is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Equal Opportunity Employer.